3.2 miliardi di investimenti europei in settori strategicinei paesi dei Balcani
3.2 miliardi di investimenti europei in settori strategicinei paesi dei Balcani
Bruxelles, 25 febbraio 2022
Today, the European Commission has unveiled a substantial €3.2 billion investment package to support 21 transport, digital, climate and energy connectivity projects in the Western Balkans. This is the first major package of projects under the EU's ambitious Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, which the Commission adopted in October 2020. The projects are designed to bring tangible benefits to all six partners in the region.
Over the next years, the Economic and Investment Plan is set to mobilise up to €30 billion of investments, as a combination of grants, preferential loans and guarantees. The Plan will help close the development gap between the European Union and the region and support the post-pandemic economic recovery. The Plan will also help to deliver the broader EU Global Gateway strategy, launched in December 2021.
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